365 days of snapshots...

For 365 days Leanne and Crystie will be embarking on a challenge to not only take a picture a day, but to also relate it to something they are learning that day. Hope you enjoy our photographs as well as our thoughts for the day.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So number one Leanne and I have both been very very bad about posting, sorry.

Number two:
A couple of weeks ago I went to a friend's wedding.  He was my Young Life teammate in college and it was soooo exciting to see how God has one been working in his life and just his joy of finding this sweet, Godly, beautiful woman to spend the rest of his life with.  I loved getting to see and watch them make this commitment before God and their friends.  It is a neat and unknown thing to me how God brings people together and the whole two becoming one.  But what a gift for me to see it in front of me with these two people.
I also got to see so many friends from college.  Not only my girls and small group leader but also my old Young Life team.  I went through so much with this team.  We were on a team for three years together- well two and a half and we went through many ups and downs.  When you are working in ministry with someone I feel like they see the good the bad and the ugly, but you also get to see such a neat friendship that ties you together because you are loving and pursuing the same kids.  And God obviously put a similar calling on each of your hearts to bring you to the same school.  These teammates pushed me towards Christ all throughout college and I love them so much!  This is also the one good team picture we have together after three years together!
I love you Auburn Eagle buddies!!

 I love the light in this photo- and Lindsey wins the award for furthest traveled!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

lost cord

SOOOO i haven't posted in a while and I have been terrible!

But in my defense, I lost my camera cord to download pictures.  So I am taking pictures I just currently cannot find the cord.
I lose everything.
I need to be more organized.
But ya know you love me anyways!!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Haley and Dave

Cry and I had a great day taking engagement photos for Haley and Dave!  I figured I would give a little sneak peak of a few of my favorites!


One of the great joys in life is experiencing a great college football game.  I had the amazing privilege of going to Virginia Tech.  VT plays enter sandman and we all jump up and down as our team enters the field.  I always find myself covered in chills and about to cry.  I love the community that surrounds me.  I always imagine life to be in that way.  Football brings people together.  I long for everyone to live in that community through Christ.  What if Christ was always the one that beings people together?  What if a stadium of 90,000 was filled with people shouting for Christ and enjoying him.  Whenever I am at a football game I have such high hopes that one day it will indeed be that way.  Virginia Tech loss to Boise State, but I had a great day enjoying my college friends!

Haley Booe!

Cry and I have a best friend named Haley Booe.  She is amazing!  For the last year she has been out of the country serving the Lord through Manna Project in Ecuador.  Booe came to Baltimore last week and visited for a few days.  It was such a treat.  Booe is a woman after God's own heart.  She has never cared too much for worldly possessions or money, but rather she is always eager to serve the Lord.  She really goes the distance to serve the Lord and experience Him deeper.  It was so fun getting to spend a few days with Booe and really just live life together.  I would love to one day live next store to Booe and Cry.  Oh and Booe is getting married soon!  Yay!

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." - CS Lewis, The Four Loves

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Simple Things

Just in case you don't know.... this is Leanne.
She LOVES LOVES LOVES frozen pizza.
I know odd thing to love right?
But she does, whole heartedly.  
We got the great privilege of spending the weekend together.  And what does she suggest for our big time Saturday night?  Frozen pizza and a movie!  LOVE IT!!  Leanne is a person that finds absolute joy in the simple things.  I love that about her.  She reminds me of the joy God is laying out for us each day. We just need to notice it.  God is always doing stuff and working but are our eyes tuned to see it.  She is tuning her eyes each day to find pure joy in Christ, through the simple and big things.  Even the simple things like frozen pizza.  
You should really get to know Leanne.  Your life would be more fun I am sure.  She is a blast and my best friend that I do not know what I would do without.  She asks me hard questions and doesn't let me get away with the surfacey answers.  She cares, deeply!  

How many things are we missing that could change our spirit or heart that day?  God wants us to thrive and see him everywhere, because He is everywhere.  What are the simple things in your life that you find joy in, or maybe the places you could find joy in.
Love you leanner!

Friday, September 3, 2010


It is so simple, but yet how many of us love
all the time?
That is what we are called to do, so why don't we love?
Why do we let so many other things get in the way?
Jesus loved and we are called to love.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy 1 year YL Anniversary!

Today marks my one year anniversary of being on Young Life staff.  Like Cry, we both have the blessing of being a part of the amazing work that God is doing in the hearts of high school students.  This morning I spent time journaling about all I have had the privilege of experiencing.  I wrote down my praises for the year.  I still can't believe all that was on the list.  In a year, the Lord can do amazing things.  In honor of my celebratory day I wore a skirt and bought myself flowers (Gerber daises...of course)!

Laughter and Freedom

I have the amazing privilege of working for an organization called Young Life.  I love working for Young LIfe because they not only bring in Jesus and life but also so much laughter.  I do not feel like you can get to Jesus without laughter.  (you can, but it makes it more fun)  I love how kids come to camp and they get to laugh and hear about Jesus and for many experience freedom for the first time.  

I went to campaigner camp last week, which is a camp for our kids that already know Jesus.  And what fun that was.  I was with kids that get it- crazy.  Kids that are walking with Christ in high school, still trying to figure out much of it but really running after the Lord.  It was a blessing for my heart to be around these kids that are goofy and laugh a lot and experience freedom in Christ daily.  I think we all need to step back into the fun shoes of high school students are realize that we don't need to take ourselves too seriously, life is full of funny moments, lets laugh and be goofy.  We talked a lot this weekend about the false selves we tend to create, the St. (Crysties or whatever your name is) if you will.  THere is a website called I am second, where some people talk about their lives and how they are second and Christ is first.  There was one video we watched where a pastor told his story and talked about how he created a false persona for other people to think he was perfect.  We need to be set free from that and realize God loves us as WE are.  THe goofy, laughter filled people that we are.  

Here are two pics (i know I am cheating) of sweet laughter from the weekend.