365 days of snapshots...

For 365 days Leanne and Crystie will be embarking on a challenge to not only take a picture a day, but to also relate it to something they are learning that day. Hope you enjoy our photographs as well as our thoughts for the day.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Beamers, Weddings, Sunshine

I have a lot of catching up to do!  On friday I flew to Columbus for a few days for the one and only Geoff Triechler's wedding.  It is true Geoff had finally tied the knot.  The trip was eventful to say the least.  My roommate sarah and I (pictured) were on the same flight.  We were lucky enough to be on the flight with the ccri (community college of rhode island) volleyball team, you would have thought they were none other then brad and angelina by their star treatment.  I arrived in columbus to discover that my car for the weekend would be none other then a beamer convertible (then to me by our dear family friends).  So to say the least I had fun cruising around Columbus. 
 I planned for the wedding to be the pinnacle of my visit there.  But, I greatly enjoyed the conversations I had with old friends.  It reminded me of the utter importance and impact Christ can have in your life.  Without Him, what are you really living for?  I had the best date of my entire life saturday night, the sun was setting and I sat leaning against the window of my airplane enjoying God.  Thanks for romancing me.

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