365 days of snapshots...

For 365 days Leanne and Crystie will be embarking on a challenge to not only take a picture a day, but to also relate it to something they are learning that day. Hope you enjoy our photographs as well as our thoughts for the day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy 1 year YL Anniversary!

Today marks my one year anniversary of being on Young Life staff.  Like Cry, we both have the blessing of being a part of the amazing work that God is doing in the hearts of high school students.  This morning I spent time journaling about all I have had the privilege of experiencing.  I wrote down my praises for the year.  I still can't believe all that was on the list.  In a year, the Lord can do amazing things.  In honor of my celebratory day I wore a skirt and bought myself flowers (Gerber daises...of course)!

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