365 days of snapshots...

For 365 days Leanne and Crystie will be embarking on a challenge to not only take a picture a day, but to also relate it to something they are learning that day. Hope you enjoy our photographs as well as our thoughts for the day.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So number one Leanne and I have both been very very bad about posting, sorry.

Number two:
A couple of weeks ago I went to a friend's wedding.  He was my Young Life teammate in college and it was soooo exciting to see how God has one been working in his life and just his joy of finding this sweet, Godly, beautiful woman to spend the rest of his life with.  I loved getting to see and watch them make this commitment before God and their friends.  It is a neat and unknown thing to me how God brings people together and the whole two becoming one.  But what a gift for me to see it in front of me with these two people.
I also got to see so many friends from college.  Not only my girls and small group leader but also my old Young Life team.  I went through so much with this team.  We were on a team for three years together- well two and a half and we went through many ups and downs.  When you are working in ministry with someone I feel like they see the good the bad and the ugly, but you also get to see such a neat friendship that ties you together because you are loving and pursuing the same kids.  And God obviously put a similar calling on each of your hearts to bring you to the same school.  These teammates pushed me towards Christ all throughout college and I love them so much!  This is also the one good team picture we have together after three years together!
I love you Auburn Eagle buddies!!

 I love the light in this photo- and Lindsey wins the award for furthest traveled!!

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